Dr. Zaneteas has retired from medical practice in Indiana. Please call or email if you need medical records or have billing questions and we will respond as quickly as possible. Thank you.
Our office at 9240 North Meridian Street combines state-of-the-art electrodiagnostic services with a simultaneous neuromuscular assessment.
We have intentionally designed our space to be a calm and caring environment. Our staff will treat you like family (we’re known for our lattes) and Dr. Zaneteas will make your EMG experience as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
Dr. Zaneteas is one of a handful of PM&R physicians Board Certified in EMG and Neuromuscular Medicine in the state of Indiana. This rigorous training makes him singularly qualified to evaluate and diagnose your medical condition.

What is electrodiagnostic laboratory accreditation?
Electrodiagnostic (EDX) Laboratory Accreditation is a voluntary, peer review process that identifies and acknowledges EDX laboratories for achieving and maintaining the highest level of quality, performance, and integrity based on professional standards developed by the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM). Accreditation provides laboratories specializing in EDX medicine with a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate, and improve the quality of care provided to their patients. Accreditation with Exemplary Status is the highest level of accreditation recognized by the AANEM.
The AANEM EDX Laboratory Accreditation:
- Demonstrates clinical excellence in EDX medicine.
- Proves a laboratory’s commitment to providing the highest quality health care and a safe environment for patients.
- Provides patients, referral sources, and payers with a credible measure to differentiate the laboratory’s quality of care.